Christopher Rocknage Ordination - 02/14/10

For the first time in our 108 year history, our parish family witnessed the ordination to the Holy Diaconate of a son of our parish- Christopher Stephen Rocknage. Through the ancient and beautiful rite of Laying on of Hands, His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrofan of the Eastern Diocese invoked the Holy Spirit to , "Heal that which is infirm and to complete that which is lacking..."

A reception immediately followed the Hierarchial Liturgy in honor of the newly ordained Father Deacon Christopher and his wife Andreja.

Axios!  Mnoga ja Ljeta!

Christopher Chants the Matins Service with Nada James
Olivia Eremic waits to present flowers to His Grace
Altar servers prepare to greet His Grace
His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan arrives
Prayers before the Royal Doors
Prayers before the Royal Doors
His Grace blesses the congregation
St. Sava Choir sings Ton Despotin
His Grace prepares to be vested in the center of the Church
Vesting His Grace
Vesting His Grace
Vesting His Grace
Vesting His Grace
Vesting His Grace
Vesting His Grace
Vesting His Grace
Vesting His Grace
Vesting His Grace
Vesting His Grace
Vesting His Grace
His Grace ordains Christopher to the Sub-Diaconate
His Grace ties the orarion around Christopher's waist
His Grace washes his hands in preparation for the Holy Liturgy
Chrstopher Stands before the icon of Christ