Church School and Youth Group
Children are the Future of our St. Sava Parish...It is so important that we provide a thorough, Christian education for them!

Children are an Integral Part of our St. Sava Church Family
Jesus said "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it." Mark 10:14-15. Children are invited to partake in the Kingdom through prayer, worship, baptism, chrismation, and Communion. Christ uses children as an example of those who shall inherit the kingdom of heaven. (Interpretation taken from the Orthodox Study Bible)
Church School Information
- Advisors: Sherry Magill and Carol Buck. Questions can be directed to Sherry: or Fr. Stevo:
- Time: Church School begins at 9:30am on Sundays. Please check with Sherry or Fr. Stevo for a schedule.
- Child Enrollment: It is never too late to get your children involved so please contact an advisor or Fr. Stevo.
Upcoming Church School/Youth Group Events
- We do our best to work with familes to schedule events.
- View the St. Sava Church Calendar or reach out to a Church School Advisor and/or Fr. Stevo.
- Additional ideas are welcomed!
Resources for our youth:
SOTAYA - Serbian Orthodox Teachers Youth and Young Adult Association
OCN Weekly - The Children’s Word
Each issue includes a message on the Sunday Gospel lesson and on one of the saints for the week. You’ll also find a coloring page and other activities.