Service Schedule
9:15am - Matins | Јутарња служба

No Matins during the summer months (June - August).

10:00am - Divine Liturgy | Света Литургија

Divine Liturgy is at 9:30am during the summer months (June - August).  It begins at 10:00am during the Church School Year (September - May).

5:00pm - Confessions | Исповести

Confessions can also be scheduled by appointment with Fr. Stevo.
SUMMER: Confessions scheduled by appointment only.

6:00pm - Great Vespers | Вечерње

No Vespers during the summer months (June - August).


Feast Days and Other Events

Please refer to the St. Sava Church Calendar for Liturgy and Matins Services of the Feast Days and other events throughout the year!



St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church
901 Hartman St
McKeesport, PA 15132

Very Rev. Stavrophor Stevan Rocknage

Rectory Phone: (412) 672-1872
Church Hall: (412) 664-0820


Sundays: 9:15am Matins, 10:00am Divine Liturgy

Saturdays: 5:00pm Confessions, 6:00pm Great Vespers

Confessions can be made by appointment with Fr. Stevo.

Church School: 9:30am on Sundays

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