Church Reopening Procedure

Church Reopening Procedure

Hristos Vaskrese! Christ is Risen!

Our parish will be reopening May 31, 2020 with limited attendance in compliance with local and state rules and with guidelines published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Please thoroughly read the guidelines/procedure for the safe re-opening of our parish, blessed by His Grace Bishop Irinej. These guidelines must be strictly adhered to in order to ensure everyone's safety.

Thank you for your continued patience, your kindness and your loving support of your St. Sava parish.  If you have any questions about these guidelines, please contact Fr. Stevo Rocknage or any parish council member.

Updated GREEN PHASE guidelines effective beginning on Sunday, June 21, 2020 - St. Sava Reopening Procedure/Guidelines
Welcome back to St. Sava Green Phase Letter

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St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church
901 Hartman St
McKeesport, PA 15132

Very Rev. Stavrophor Stevan Rocknage

Rectory Phone: (412) 672-1872
Church Hall: (412) 664-0820


Sundays: 9:15am Matins, 10:00am Divine Liturgy

Saturdays: 5:00pm Confessions, 6:00pm Great Vespers

Confessions can be made by appointment with Fr. Stevo.

Church School: 9:30am on Sundays

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