NEW Divine Liturgy Books!
NEW Divine Liturgy Books!

NEW Divine Liturgy Books!

With the help of the Church Health Team - Faith and Liturgy Ministry, we have ordered NEW Divine Liturgy Books.   We have purchased the Divine Liturgy Prayer Book (abridged edition) from Ancient Faith.  For a $20 donation, you can have an "In Memory Of" label printed in the inside cover (similar to what we did with the Bibles from several years ago). 

Donations can be made out to:
"St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church"
901 Hartman St
McKeesport, PA 15132

Please include "In Memory of: [NAME OF LOVED ONE]"

Thank you!

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St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church
901 Hartman St
McKeesport, PA 15132

Very Rev. Stavrophor Stevan Rocknage

Rectory Phone: (412) 672-1872
Church Hall: (412) 664-0820


Sundays: 9:15am Matins, 10:00am Divine Liturgy

Saturdays: 5:00pm Confessions, 6:00pm Great Vespers

Confessions can be made by appointment with Fr. Stevo.

Church School: 9:30am on Sundays

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