Parish News 2021
Božić (Christmas) Services - Announcement!12/26/21The schedule for Christmas Services at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church is as follows: MASK REQUIREMENT per Parish Council: With the sudden rise in COVID-19 cases, we are asking all who are planning
The Path of Orthodoxy - Summer 202112/21/21The latest issue of the Path of Orthodoxy is now available online. To read or download the latest issue, please visit:
Advent Celebration - December 19th!12/19/21Our St. Sava Parish celebrated the Advent Season on Sunday, Dec 19, 2021 (St. Nicholas Day). After lunch, our Church Family joyfully sang Christmas Carols and were greeted by a visit of Sveti Nikolaj!
Giving Tuesday - Nov 30, 2021!11/22/21Today the world faces an unprecedented challenge that is drastically changing the lives of people all over the world; family members and friends have been lost, hunger has struck, and normal life has
Celebrating 120 Years!11/14/21Our St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church celebrated our 120 year anniversay as a Serbian Orthodox Church on Sunday, November 14, 2021. This is a remarkable milestone and a spiritual journey that so many o
Thanksgiving Drive 202110/28/21Our St. Sava Parish is once again coordinating a Thanksgiving Food Drive for the needy families in our local community. Last year, we were able to assist six families – Let’s do EVEN BETTE
A Taste of Serbia - THANK YOU!10/03/21Our annual Parish Serb-Fest - A Taste of Serbia was held on October 1-2, 2021. We THANK our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ for the successful event and blessing us with the beautiful weather t
Diocese Centennial Celebration09/28/21The centennial celebration (1921-2021) of the First Serbian Orthodox Diocese in the USA & Canada will be held Saturday, Nov. 6, 2021 and Sunday, Nov. 7, 2021. INVITATION - Centennial Celebration
SPECIAL APPEAL FOR GREECE FIRE RELIEF08/21/21SPECIAL APPEAL FOR GREECE FIRE RELIEF Very Reverend, Reverend and Venerable Fathers,Beloved Brother and Sisters:The Eastern American Diocese is undertaking a special fundraising initiative to help th
The Path of Orthodoxy - Spring 202108/11/21The latest issue of the Path of Orthodoxy is now available online. To read or download the latest issue, please visit:
Faith Study Groups Returning!08/07/21Our very popular Faith Study or "Support Groups" are returning this September! The Faith Study Groups offer a unique opportunity to come together and share your Christian perspectives with
Support for Igumen Patrick (Carpenter)06/16/21We have learned that very recently, Our Dear Friend Fr. Igumen Patrick (Carpenter) suffered another tragic life-changing development in his health. This week, he had to undergo another surgery and is
COVID-19 Update for Services05/31/21Please carefully read the update to our COVID-19/Coronavirus Guidelines for attending services (effective June 5, 2021): 1) Masks are NOT required IF you have been FULLY
Weekly Lessons!05/26/21Be sure to join Fr. Stevo weekly on Thursdays at 11:00am (unless otherwise specified) as he discusses a NEW topic with regards to how we practice the Orthodox Faith and how it impacts our lives! Feel
Shadeland Camp 2021 - Cancelled!05/13/21The Eastern Diocese has announced the 2021 Shadeland Camp Season has been cancelled. Due to the continued presence of the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) and the stringent CDC restrictions plac
Pascha 2021!05/02/21Our Parish Family celebrated the Resurrection of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ on Sunday, May 2, 2021. The occasion began with the Sunrise (Resurrection) Service followed by the Holy Pasc
2021 Paschal Messages!04/30/21Hristos Vaskrese! Vaistinu Vaskrese! Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! Please read the Paschal Messages from His Holiness Patriarch PORFIRIJE and His Grace Bishop IRINEJ!
The Path of Orthodoxy - Winter 202104/28/21The latest issue of the Path of Orthodoxy is now available online. To read or download the latest issue, please visit:
Paschal Services Dates and Times04/17/21Schedule of Services for the Paschal Season 2021. All Liturgies will be live-streamed on our Facebook page. With the uncertainty of possible future restrictions on attendance, the schedule is subject
New Serbian Orthodox Patriarch Porfirije!02/18/21On February 18, 2021, Metropolitan Porfirije Perić of Zagreb and Ljubljana was elected as the new Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church! Immediately after the election a thanksgiving service
2021 Archpastoral Message01/30/21Please view His Grace Bishop Irinej's Archpastoral Message (Available in English and Serbian). Archpastoral Message of His Grace Bishop Irinej - Saint Sava 2021 Архипастирска Порука Епископа Ир
COVID-19 Alert!01/16/21Dear St Sava Family, “Christ is in our midst!”I hope you all had a blessed Christmas and are staying safe and healthy. The purpose of this notification is to inform you that there has been
The Path of Orthodoxy - Fall 202001/09/21The latest issue of the Path of Orthodoxy is now available online. To read or download the latest issue, please visit:
Parish Statement - Violence at U.S. Capitol01/06/21A message from Proto Stevo Rocknage and the St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church: After joyfully serving the beautiful Christmas Eve services this day and evening, and being inspired by our beloved St Sa